Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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435 lines
Getting Started
How To Create a Button Menu
How To Use a Button Menu
Keyboard Shortcuts
Height Confusion
What to do if the items won't fit
ButtonMenu Creator Menus
ButtonMenu Creator Gadgets
Contacting the author
ButtonMenu allows Kickstart 2.0 (or higher) owners to create menus in
the form of a window full of GadTools buttons. Two programs are
provided: one to allow you to create the menu and one which runs the
menu. It is then possible to run your menu from a startup-sequence,
for example. The GUI for the creator was designed to use Topaz 8,
but it will adapt to the current screen font if it is not too big.
An added bonus is the ability to load ButtonMenu from within ButtonMenu
from within ButtonMenu and so on... This means you can nest menus to
create complicated menu systems.
I cannot be held liable if this program causes you to lose valuable
data, nor can I be blamed if this program causes any other problems
with your system. Any problems are entirely the user's responsibility.
ButtonMenu V1.20 - written with DICE C (2.07.56R) on an A600.
(c) Oliver Roberts, 1994
ButtonMenu is public domain and the copyright remains with the author.
ButtonMenu is freely distributable providing none of the distributed
files are changed in any way, ButtonMenu is not sold for profit and
it is not included on any disks that are sold solely for profit. If
ButtonMenu is to be sold for profit, permission must be obtained from
me, the author (Oliver Roberts). Included in the above are magazine
coverdisks - let me know if you wish to use ButtonMenu menus on the
For following files MUST be distributed together if the Creator is to
be included:
ButtonMenu (ButtonMenu Creator)
ButtonMenu.doc (Document)
ButtonMenu.guide (Document in hypertext format)
BMX (ButtonMenu Executor)
CHANGES (Recent changes)
README (Additional Information)
reqtools.library (KS2.0 V38 - Needed for Creator only)
If you just want to distribute your created menu then you can
distribute the BMX program without the files above, if desired.
Reqtools.library (c) 1991-1994 Nico Francois
The GUI for the Creator was mainly created with:
GadToolsBox V2.0b (c) 1991-1993 Jaba Development
Thanks to Rick Hughes for giving some ideas for new features, and for
the donation he made.
ButtonMenu has been tested on an A600 with KS2.05 and KS3.0 using
NTSC/PAL, chip/fake fast, chip configurations.
ButtonMenu is fully OS-Legal, it should work on ANY Amiga with
Kickstart 2.0 or higher!
Any Amiga with Kickstart 2.0 (V36) or higher. NTSC / PAL
To run the Creator you will need these disk based libraries in the
LIBS: drawer on you boot disk or HD.
diskfont.library (V36 or higher)
reqtools.library (V38 or higher)
To run the Executor you do NOT need "reqtools.library" in the LIBS:
drawer, but if you are not using a ROM font (ie Topaz 8 or Topaz 9)
for the menu you will need "diskfont.library" if the font has not
already been loaded into RAM by another program.
First make sure you have the libraries mentioned in the REQUIREMENTS
section installed in your LIBS: drawer on you HD or boot disk.
From Workbench
Double-click on the ButtonMenu icon.
From the Shell
Type `ButtonMenu' at the prompt. There are no command line options
at present.
How to Create a Button Menu
Making a menu is simple with ButtonMenu. Just enter the items you wish
to be displayed to the user and the AmigaDOS command lines. Keyboard
shortcuts can be assigned to each item as well (read the Keyboard
Shortcuts section for full details).
Entering the commands is made simplier by providing a file requester:
just click on the gadget next to the command text gadget and select the
file you want to be run when the user clicks on the button.
You can also ask for the command to be run in the background (uses the
AmigaDOS `run' command).
Then select the font you wish to use for the buttons, the size of the
window and the title for the window. Then select 'Save' from the menu.
How to Use a Button Menu
Type `BMX <filename>' at a DOS prompt and the menu will appear. Where
<filename> is the name of a ButtonMenu datafile which you have
previously saved (defaults to `BM.dat'). The menu should now appear.
Alternatively, you may double click on a ButtonMenu datafile icon
and the menu will be displayed.
Now just click on the button (or use a keyboard shortcut) to run the
corresponding commands, and click the close gadget when you have
Keyboard Shortcuts
You can specify keyboard shortcuts for each item, if you want. You
are not allowed to use the same key for more than one item (ButtonMenu
will tell you if you do). Pressing any of the keys a..z in your
generated menu will have exactly the same effect as keys A..Z, thus
case is not important (unless you have the doc function enabled!)
There are a few ways of denoting the keyboard shortcut in the item
text. For example, with shortcut `B' you could have:
[B]uttonMenu or (B)uttonMenu or {B}uttonMenu etc...
But the preferred way is to use an underscore character underneath
the letter to be emphasized - like most new Amiga applications. You
do this in ButtonMenu by putting an `_' character directly before the
character to be underscored. For example:
"_ButtonMenu" produces ButtonMenu
Therefore, only use the underscore character for this purpose - using
more than one won't make any difference as the leftmost ones will be
ignored and not displayed.
Height Confusion
Some people may find the way the Height of the menu window is calculated
confusing - or uninteresting! So for users who want to know why the
height is what it is, here is a little (well... long) explanation:
"The Amiga OS will always use the screen's default font (set in Workbench
preferences) for the text in the title bars for each window opened.
This means that the size of the title bar is variable when running the
menu with `BMX' and it is inconvenient to keep the height of the window
constant - the calculations in the ButtonMenu Creator would also have
to be used in the `BMX' program which would make the program nearly as
large as the creator, and would create incompatibilities with different
systems. I wanted the menu to be displayed as quickly as possible with
the smallest possible program.
So, you are asked to enter the maximum inner height for the window,
which is the height of window excluding the title bar and bottom border.
The `Calculated Total Height' gadget will display an estimate for the
total height of the window, using the current screen font.
Included is a `Height Adjust' feature. This will alter the height
further, by removing any blank lines that will not be used giving a
slightly tidier menu. To do this though, the `Calculated Total Height'
is calculated as before, but with the smallest possible height. "
What to do if the items won't fit
If you have the Adjust Height feature enabled, or are trying to save
your menu, and get any error message saying that the item(s) won't
fit in the window, then here are the possible causes/solutions:
* The text length of one of the items is too long
(and/or longer than the width of the window)
* The font is too large
* The window is too small
* Too many items
Solutions (a bit obvious!)
* Shorten the length of the item texts
* Select a smaller font
* Enlarge the window
* Delete some of the longer items
The only limitation to the menus you create is that there must be at
least 1 item and no more than 100 items. If you need more items -
let me know.
ButtonMenu Creator Menus
New : Resets the creator by deleting all items. Warning: Make
sure you have saved any wanted edits before selecting!
Open : Load a ButtonMenu datafile which you have previously saved.
Save : Save current edits back to the same file which you have
just loaded. If this a new file, a file requester will be
available for you to enter a new name.
Save As: Save current edits backs to another file.
Test : Display the menu which you have designed. This uses the
external BMX program to load the menu - BMX must therefore
be in the search path somewhere.
About : Some copyright notes and version information.
Quit : Quit ButtonMenu unconditionally.
This menu provides some brief hints on how to use ButtonMenu, without
having to look at the document you are reading now.
Save Icons? : If you select this item, icons will be saved with your
datafiles so that the menus can be started from
Workbench with a click of a button.
Save Settings: Save the current state of the Save Icons flag in the
"s:ButtonMenu.config" file.
ButtonMenu Creator Gadgets
Item Gadgets - Main
Secondary Function (optional)
General Gadgets
New Item : Add a new item to the menu, after the currently selected
one (or the start if there are no items).
Delete Item: Erase the currently selected menu item.
Up : Move the currently selected item up the list.
Down : Move the currently selected item down the list.
Item Text : The text to be displayed on one of the menu buttons. If
you put a `_' character in front of another character,
ButtonMenu will denote that letter as the keyboard
shortcut (you must also but this letter in the keyboard
shortcut requester).
DOS : The command to be executed when the corresponding menu
Command button is clicked. This is to be in the same format as
you would run it from the CLI manually. You can also
select commands via a file requester, so you don't need
to remember the exact filenames.
Keyboard : Specifies an optional key that performs the same function
Shortcut as clicking on the button on the finished menu.
Run command: Tells the Amiga to run that command as a background task.
in This does the same thing as `run >NIL: <command>' would
background do, where <command> is the contents of the DOS Command
gadget. This command is activated by the left mouse
button or the keyboard shortcut on the final menu.
Enable Doc : Tell ButtonMenu that you want this item to have a second
Function function which will be activated by holding the right
mouse button or shift key and then pressing the left mouse
button or keyboard shortcut.
Doc : In conjuntion with the Doc Reader gadget you may enter the
Filename filename of the corresponding document. The filename will
be loaded by the Doc Reader. However, you may specify no
doc reader and enter an AmigaDOS commandline in this
gadget - this provides maximum flexibility.
Font Used : The font to be used for the item text on the menu buttons.
For Items Click the Choose Font button to change the font.
Title : Text to be displayed in the title bar of your menu - uses
a separate font.
Width : Width of the menu window (in pixels).
Inner : The height of your window excluding the title bar and
Height bottom border.
Adjust : With this feature turned on, any blank lines at the bottom
Height of your menu window will be removed by decreasing the
height. Checks will also be made to see if your items
will actually fit in the menu window with the dimension
you have specified whenever you alter these, the font or
the Item Text. With the feature off, these checks are
only made when saving.
Calculated: This is the estimated total height of your window including
Total the borders. Assumes the screen font you will use for the
Height menu will be the same as the current one - that is why it
is an estimate.
Centre : Makes the menu appear in the centre of your screen.
Single : Allows only ONE choice to be made on the menu. After the
Choice corresponding command has returned, the menu will close.
Doc : This is an optional field which may be filled with the
Reader intended command line of your preferred document reader
(e.g "run c:ppmore"). This field will be used by the
secondary functions of all items, if it is not empty.
You can contact me via e-mail at this address:
Or via snail-mail, my permanent home address is:
30 Tillett Road
V1.20 - August 31 1994
ButtonMenu nows uses functions available in KS 2.0 (or higher) instead of
the equivalent ANSI C functions. The has resulted in a drastic decrease in
executable size for the BMX executor (about a 50% reduction).
Added a "Test" option to the project menu in the creator which uses BMX
to run the menu.
Added Workbench support to BMX which allows ButtonMenus to be loaded via
an icon. It then made sense to add a settings menu with a Save Icons
option and a configuration file saved in s: .
Changed the Adjust Height error handling slightly resulting in less
annoying requesters (also corrected a spelling mistake in the error
Added a zoom gadget to the menu windows that are created.
Added an option to centre the ButtonMenu when it is opened.
New option to allow ButtonMenus to act more like requesters (ie only one
choice is allowed - then the window is closed automatically).
Amigaguide documentation provided in addition to the standard text doc.
Bug Fix: Removed a bug which caused gadgets in the window to be
refreshed more than once - resulting in flickering.
V1.10 - August 15 1994 (BETA version - not publically released)
Added a keyboard shortcut facility - datafiles changed accordingly, but
old ones are still supported.
Added an option to display docs as a secondary action.
New-look menus when ButtonMenu is run on KS 3.0 or higher.
Bug fixes: I discovered a bug concerning the 4 buttons underneath the
item listview gadget. Now, the buttons are checked in addition
to being disabled when appropriate.
A possible bug in the Executor message handler - fixed.
Not all the text strings were freed properly which sometimes
gave memory failures (ie Memory Insane) - fixed this.
V1.00 - July 28 1994
First release.